Children’s Holy Hour
7 Simple Steps

How to start Children of Our Lady of Mercy
Eucharistic Adorers in your parish.

Dear Fathers and Mothers, begin by invite other families to gather in your parish to have a beautiful and loving Children’s Holy Hour with Our Lady of Mercy.

We invite families to work with their parish priest to ensure Eucharistic Adoration for you and your children. In times when the priest is unavailable to offer Jesus in His Eucharistic presence exposed in the Sacred Monstrance on the altar, we invite you and your children to gather in front of the Tabernacle within the church where Jesus is truly present hidden in the Tabernacle.

Jesus is first love and adored by His Holy Mother in her womb. In adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament with Mary, something beautiful happens. Grace is given, and the presence of Jesus with the love of Mary can be felt within our hearts. Let us then love and adore Jesus with the heart of Mary, and love and honor Mary in the presence of Jesus. In this loving grace, we console Jesus’ Sacred Heart, and Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

Step 1 … Fathers and Mothers, begin by leading your children in a loving holy hour by having them kneel down and make the sign of the cross. Then begin with a prayer.

Prayer: we place ourselves more deeply in the loving presence of Jesus. We thank you Jesus for your love, and for the beautiful gift of Mary, your Most Holy Mother. Dear Mary, thank you for your love and for calling us to be your children. We invite you dear Mother to pray with us now and for us, to always lead us closer to her son Jesus.

Step 2 …
Invite Your Children to Begin Now by Simply Loving and Adoring Jesus in Silence.

Step 3 …
Then Invite Your Children to Take Time to Speak to Jesus from Their Heart as a Friend by Sharing Their most Intimate Thoughts, Their Hopes, Sorrows, and Their Fears. You May Have Them Begin in Silent Prayer.

Step 4 ...
Give your children time to listen to Jesus speaking to them in the quietness of their heart.

Have them go to Mary to ask for her help with the graces they may need to be still, to listen to Jesus in their heart, and to recognize His voice from within. Invite your children to continue to seek Mary’s help in recognizing Jesus’s loving presence as they walk with Him in their daily life. Suggested time: 15 minutes.

Step 5 …
Pray the Rosary- Hail Mary, Full of Grace. The Lord is With Thee.

We now invite you to meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. By praying the rosary, we give glory to God by loving and honoring Mary. We find the most beautiful praises and greatest honors that Mary felt in being made Mother of God. Suggested time: 20 minutes.

Step 6 …
Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Continue to unite your hearts to Jesus and Mary, offer your prayers for the conversion of sinners in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. Suggested time: 10 minutes.

Step 7 …
Invite Your Children to Make Their Marian Consecration, to Entrust Their Hearts to Jesus, Through Mary, Under Her Title, Our Lady of Mercy

And renew their Marian Consecration often. You may end your prayer by singing a song or by simply being still in silence. At the end of your visit with Jesus, kneel down and make the sign of the cross.

A Child Consecration To The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Under Her Title Our Lady of Mercy.

Prayer: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Mary, my Heavenly Mother, I love you. Please lead my heart always to Jesus in the richness of His Divine Mercy. O’ Mary conceived without sin, help me to develop my interior life of trust in Jesus, so that I may live more in the presence of Jesus - so that I may live a life of holiness, offering love, mercy, healing, and hope to the world.

O’ Mary full of grace, take me under your special protection of your Immaculate Heart and guard the purity of my soul. Guide me in life and comfort me in times of suffering.

In times of temptation, in the struggle against evil, in the effort to do good, to do what is right, pray for me dear Mother. And in moments that I may fall from grace into sin, lead me safely to the mercy of your son, Jesus.

Mary, loving Mother of Jesus and my mother, I give you my heart and entrust my life to you and all that I have under your title, Our Lady of Mercy. Amen